Nationwide Complex Civil Litigation Management

Our lawyers and professional ADR members have “hands-on experience” in managing complex litigation, including judicial calendars such as mass torts and asbestos. We may be able to consult with you on successful court proceedings and schedules such as setting timetables for discovery and assist in “bright line” issues of disposition. This service may take the form of a special master/adjudicator consultant or consent by both parties in case management issues.

Our goal is to supplement not supplant the work of the court.

— Judge Marina Corodemus (Ret.)

There are many times that judges in general jurisdiction do not have the time or experience, or both, to cover the detailed work needed to coordinate massive and extensive class actions or mass torts. In these instances, at the court’s request by appointment or partners’ consent orders, we will assist in the expeditious advancement of the cases to resolution.

Notable Complex Litigation Cases

Judge Marina Corodemus (Ret.) was the sole Mass Tort Judge for New Jersey for ten years and ruled in many landmark pharmaceutical cases during her tenure. These notable cases include:

Notable CLM Cases

Judge Corodemus was one of three special masters / adjudicators appointed to hear appeals for Vioxx multidistrict litigation (MDL). She heard appeals for three years after the initial settlement was reached. The Vioxx federal MDL Court and courts in California, New Jersey and Texas registered more than 58,000 claims. Merck was obligated to pay $4.85 billion into a resolution fund from which to compensate qualified eligible claimants.

Judge Corodemus was the trial judge in the Fen-Phen case which was in court for two months and reached a nationwide settlement. The settlement against American Home Products Corporation (AHP) awarded $3.75 billion in compensation to thousands of people who used the combination diet drug before its removal from the market in 1997.

Judge Corodemus served as the special masters/adjudicators at the request of counsel in a Passaic River environmental case involving 300 litigants and the state of New Jersey.

Judge Corodemus served as a neutral arbitrator for the American Arbitration Association for class actions brought involving New Jersey doctors and insurance company payments.

Judge Corodemus was an arbitrator in the Section 747 Tarp Chrysler dealerships arbitration as provided by federal legislation by the United States Congress