Neutral Third-Party Mediation

ADR Mediation for Clients Nationwide

At Corodemus & Corodemus, L.L.C., we assume a strictly neutral role in the civil mediation process. We concentrate solely on ADR mediation and related services and none of our professionals advocate for clients in civil litigation.

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ADR mediation is a private, informal and voluntary submission of a dispute to a forum where the parties are assisted by a neutral third party in reaching a voluntary settlement. Third-party mediation is a dedicated process. This allows parties and their attorneys to fully explain to the mediator their position, needs, abilities, and problems while examining them in a calm and neutral setting. The ADR team can address and suggest resolution paths that satisfy all the parties’ needs.

Third-Party mediation is a form of facilitated negotiation which includes a professional third party. It is non-binding. The process is simple. Both lawyers take their presentations to the mediation at a joint session. Then, the parties are separated and the mediator meets with each side privately to discuss strong and weak areas of potential settlement. The mediator moves between both parties while trying to structure a settlement. Frequently, mediators will offer assessment of the positions asserted and sometimes even offer mediator recommendations. Ultimately, the mediator assists the parties in finding justice through their own resolution rather than leaving it to the jury to render a decision.

Nationwide ADR Mediation Service as Third-Party Neutral

At Corodemus & Corodemus, L.L.C. we work with clients nationwide in neutral third-party mediation, especially in cases involving complex liability or damages issues with respect to:

  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Commercial law
  • Environmental law
  • Brownfields
  • Class actions
  • Mass tort
  • Consumer fraud
  • Insurance
  • Automotive
  • Medical devices
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Nationwide ADR Mediation Services

  • Private Mediation
  • Conflict Prevention & Resolution (CPR)
  • American Health Lawyers Association (AHLA)
  • Federal Court Program